New Mexico State University
College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences | ACES
ACES Directory

Soumaila Sanogo

Office Location N252 Skeen Hall
Office Phone 575-646-3577
FAX 575-646-8087
Associations Academics
Education Bachelor's in agricultural sciences from Ecole Nationale Superieure Agronomique in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
Master's and Doctorate in plant pathology from Pennsylvania State University
Experience Fungal plant pathology, with experience on ecology and biorational management of foliar and soilborne diseases of field crops, ornamentals, fruit and nut crops, and vegetables.
Awards Rockefeller Foundation Fellow, Fulbright Fellowship recipient, NACTA Teaching Award (August 2020), College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES), New Mexico State University (NMSU); Distinguished Teaching Award (May 2019), ACES, NMSU; Distinguished Research Award (May 2017), Mobley Family Endowed-ACES, NMSU; Distinguished Service Award (April 2015), Charles Tharp Farms Endowed-ACES, NMSU.
Pests and Diseases
soilborne pathogens

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